December 12,2021
Professor Hayashi and the students, College of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University visited the Aji Marine Station of the Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center. Please click here.
November 27, 2021
"The 7th Ajina Beach Clean with Thailand and Taiwan" was held at Kamano Beach and Aji Marine Station. Please click here.
November 14, 2021
Off-campus learning as for the sea was conducted, for children of Takamatsu Elementary School attached to the Faculty of Education, Kagawa University, at Aji Marine Station of Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center. Please click here.
October 6, 2021
Students of Tokushima Bunri University conducted an experimental training at the Aji Marine Station of the Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center. Please click here.
October 1, 2021
In Chiba Prefecture, doctors started to watch over the condition of pregnant women under home medical care, from remote. Please click here.
September 22, 2021
Japanese government's online overseas public relations magazine "Highlighting JAPAN" discribed about the iCTG "petit Mobile Fetal Monitor" developed by Melody international ltd., " Kagawa University-certified venture company", in the 3 languages (Japanese / English / Chinese) . Please click here.
September 21, 2021
Demonstration experiment of remote medicine using online, drone and portable medical device in Awashima island had conducted by Kagawa University, Kamomeya Inc., Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co., Ltd, and the others was sumerized in a video.
Please click here.
you can change subtitle into English by switching "⚙ settings" at the bottom of the screen.
September 1, 2021
NHK WORLD JAPAN's "NEWS ROOM TOKYO" broadcasted a remote perinatal medical care effort using the iCTG "Petit Mobile Fetal Monitor" in the Kingdom of Bhutan. The iCTG is developed by Melody international ltd., " Kagawa University-certified venture company". Please click here.
June 28,2021
Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center held "2021 Super Science High School" for Takamatsu Daiichi High School at Aji Marine Station. Please click here.
June 20,2021
"Tideland Creature Observation Class" for elementary and junior high school students and their parents was held. Please click here.
June 8,2021
The hand-over ceremony of 55 units of "Mobile Fetal Monitor iCTG" developed by Melody International Ltd., which is venture company from Kagawa University, to the Kingdom of Bhutan was held at Monger Referral Hospital in eastern Bhutan. Please click here.
May 31,2021
Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center cooperated on the practical training of students of Tokushima Bunri University. Please click here.
April 17,2021
"The 4th Aji Beach Cleaning with Bhutan & Cambodia" was held at Kamano beach and Aji Marine Station". Please click here.
April 5,2021
The public relations magazine of Kagawa University introduced the efforts of the Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center for perinatal care using ICT, titled "SDGs: Kagawa University’s Telemedicine connects the world". Please click here.
November 6,2020
Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center cooperated on the practical training of students of Tokushima Bunri University. Please click here.
October 21,2020
"Achieving safe and secure pregnancy and delivery using a mobile ultra-small fetal monitor" which has been promoting by Kagawa University, Melody International Ltd., and NPO e-HCIk was awarded the 2020 Japan Science and Technology Agency Chairman award. Please click here.
October 5,2020
Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center held "2020 Super Science High School" for Takamatsu Daiichi High School at Aji Marine Station. Please click here.
October 2,2020
"Smart Island Promotion Demonstration Survey Project 2020 in Awashima Island" which participates with Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center is kicked off. Please click here.
August 26, 2020
Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center and International Office of Kagawa University held "International Remote CTG Seminar" on August 19, 2020 in collaboration with Melody International, Ltd., and NPO e-HCIK, by connecting 51 sites in Thailand and Japan.
video of seminar Please click here.
explanation of seminar Please click here.
August 23, 2020
"Let's take a look into the sea!, Sea and Japan project" was held by Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center. Please click here.
August 7, 2020
The research activity of Specially Appointed Professor Kazuhiro Hara, Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center was published as titled "Handy Fetal Monitor Brings Peace of Mind to Mothers“, in article "We are Tomodachi“ of the 2020 summer issue of the Cabinet Office's international publications. Please click here.
August 6, 2020
"Remote medical treatment/unmanned drone demonstration experiment" to support living on the island with peace of mind was conducted between Suda-Port, Takuma-Cho, Mitoyo-City and Awashima island, on July 30, 2020. Please click here.
June 8, 2020
The iCTG "Mobile Fetal Monitor" developed by Melody International, Ltd., which is Kagawa University certified venture company was adopted in Kingdom of Bhutan and it will be delivered to 20 district obstetric facilities. From the Bhutan Broadcasting Service web site. Please click here.
May 22, 2020
In the article which The ITU "International Telecommunication Union" has summarized the new coronavirus countermeasures using ICT from all over the world as "REG4COVID Initiatives Around the World", it was published that Hokkaido University has been using iCTG developed by Melody International Ltd., which is Kagawa University certified venture company. Please click here.
April 22, 2020
The Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Melody International, Ltd., began joint demonstration experiment of remote online prenatal checkups using iCTG. Please click here.
March 31, 2020
The report which titled "Current status awareness and expectations regarding medical welfare of the islanders in Kagawa Prefecture" of the Remote Island Medical Welfare Research Conference completed and with the completion of this report, the conference (2017-2019) disbanded on March 31, 2020.
March 26, 2020
The 11th Remote Island Medical Welfare Research Conference was held with local governments, Saiseikai and others. Please click here.
February 4, 2020
A small aquarium was moved to the Kagawa University Hospital. Please click here.
January 22, 2020
The 2019 Academic Lecture of Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center was held. Please click here.
December 27, 2019
Appointed Prof. Kazuhiro Hara and Visiting Prof. Yasuhito Takeuchi of the Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center won "The 8th Creating Nippon Grand Prize" of Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, with Melody International Ltd. Please click here.
December 18, 2019
Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center and Fisheries Oceanography held Academic lecture. Please click here.
November 25, 2019
Medical officials in Chiang Mai province in Thailand visited Kagawa prefecture, in order to promote the project which is to improve perinatal mortality rate by adopting the new petit mobile CTG in Thailand. This project is proceeding with Kazuhiro Hara, Specially Appointed Professor of Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center as a leader. Please click here.
October 16, 2019
The 10th Remote Island Medical Welfare Research Conference was held with local governments, Saiseikai and others. Please click here.
October 11, 2019
Melody International , Ltd., which is a Kagawa University-certified venture company, received "venture award" at the Japan Healthcare Summit held by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Please click here.
September 19, 2019
Meeting with the fishery cooperative and others for field trial of 2019 on quality improvement of Seto Inland Sea aquaculture seaweed was held. Please click here.
September 17, 2019
Marine training for high school biological teachers in Kagawa Prefecture was conducted. Please click here.
September 17, 2019
Marine learning of "Super Science High School " of Takamatsu Daiichi High School was conducted at Aji Marine Station in Kagawa University. Please click here.
September 9 to 10, 2019
The mysterious bubble eruption of Harima-Nada in Seto Inland Sea was observed on the oceanographic survey ship "Calanus III". Please click here.
August 20, 2019
Summer holiday cruising with Parent-child “Let’s survey Seto Inland Sea on board" was held at Marine station in Kagawa University. Please click here.
August 2, 2019
"Let's take a look into the sea!, Sea and Japan project" was held by Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center. Please click here.
July 16, 2019
The 9th Remote Island Medical Welfare Research Conference was held with local governments, Saiseikai and others. Please click here.
May 29, 2019
Preliminary meeting for field trial of 2019 on quality improvement of Seto Inland Sea aquaculture seaweed was held. Please click here.
May 27, 2019
The 8th Remote Island Medical Welfare Research Conference was held with local governments, Saiseikai and others. Please click here.
April 1, 2019
Report was created.
Developed super downsized mobile CTG (Petit CTG) was approved as medical device and invited to 'Communities, People and Work Creation Conference' which held at Prime Minister Office.
Please click here.
March 11, 2019
The 7th Remote Island Medical Welfare Research Conference was held with local governments, Saiseikai and others. Please click here.
March 4, 2019
The article written by Appointed Professor Kazuhiro Hara of Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center, Kagawa University was issued on the surveyrance report of Hyakujushi Economic Research Institute. Please click here.
February 23, 2019
The International Economic Research Seminar 2019 was held. Please click here.
February 14, 2019
The 2018 Symposium of Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center was held. Please click here.
December 7, 2018
The 2018 Academic Lecture of Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center was held. Please click here.
November 29, 2018
On November 21, Appointed Professor Kazuhiro Hara of Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center Kagawa University and President Ogata of Melody International Ltd. (Kagawa University Certified Venture Company) were invited to "Town, People and Work Creation Headquarter" as a good project of regional creation, and President Ogata presented a new proceeding business using mobile CTG. The Head of the "Creation Headquarter" is Prime Minister Abe and Deputy Heads are Minister in charge of Regional Innovation and Chief Cabinet Secretary. Please click here.
November 29, 2018
Medical officials in Chiang Mai province in Thailand visited Kagawa prefecture, in order to promote the project which is to improve perinatal mortality rate by adopting the new petit mobile CTG in Thailand. This project is proceeding with Kazuhiro Hara, Specially Appointed Professor of Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center as a leader. Please click here.
November 3 to 4, 2018
“The 13th Japan Society of Rural and Remote Area Nursing” was held. Please click here.
September 20, 2018
Meeting with the fishery cooperative for field trial of 2018 on quality improvement of Seto Inland Sea aquaculture seaweed was held. Please click here.
September 19, 2018
The 6th Remote Island Medical Welfare Research Conference was held with local governments, Saiseikai and others. Please click here.
September 2, 2018
"Let's take a look into the sea!, Sea and Japan project" was held by Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center. Please click here.
August 6 to 10, 2018
Marine learning for Faculty of Agriculture students was held. Please click here.
July 18, 2018
Interview article of Specially Appointed Professor Kazuhiro Hara of the Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center was introduced in the Alumni Newsletter of the University of Heidelberg in Germany. Please click here.
June 6, 2018
International students from“Kobe Institute of Computing; Graduate School of Information Technology” came to visit Kagawa University to learn Medical ICT. Please click here.
June 4, 2018
Kagawa University certified Melody International Ltd., as "Venture company from Kagawa University". Please click here.
May 22, 2018
Mobile petit fetus Cardio TocoGram "iCTG" of Melody International Ltd., developed by technical support of the Seto Inland Sea Regional Research Center Kagawa University, acquired designation of "medical device certification". Please click here.
March 15, 2018
The 5th Remote Island Medical Welfare Research Conference was held with local governments, Saiseikai and others.
February 2, 2018
The 4th Satoumi Seminar, “What is the Satoumi Guide Aimed for?” Was held. (Satoumi means rural natural sea) Please click here.
January 01, 2018
Report of JICA workshop on Improvement Maternal Health.
summary report Please click here.
detail report Please click here.
November 15, 2017
The 4th Remote Island Medical Welfare Research Conference was held with local governments, Saiseikai and others.
October 09, 2017
Overview of JICA workshop on Improvement Maternal Health.(paper for program orientation)Please click here for the overview.
September 20, 2017
The 3rd Remote Island Medical Welfare Research Conference was held with local governments, Saiseikai and others.
September 19, 2017
Meeting with the fishery cooperative for field trial of 2017 on quality improvement of Seto Inland Sea aquaculture seaweed was held.
September 13, 2017
Picture of JICA workshop preparation meeting.Please click here for the picture.
August 08, 2017
18 participants from 11 countries of JICA workshop were decided.
July 27, 2017
President and professors of Diponegoro University in Indonesia which has exchange agreement with Kagawa University visited our research center. They observed aquaculture facilities and so forth on board the centers research ship after the meeting. Please click here for the situation.
July 21, 2017
We sterted recruitment of trainees.The training is JICA project "Improvement of Maternal Health Including Remote Medical Care".
July 18, 2017
The 2nd Remote Island Medical Welfare Research Conference was held with local governments, Saiseikai and others.
June 14, 2017
Our center set up "Remote Island Medical Welfare Research Conference" with local goverment, Saiseikai and others.
June 01, 2017
Professor Kunihiro Tada, Director of our center was awarded the Japan - France Oceanographic Society Award.
May 20, 2017
Professor Kazuhiko Ichimi of our center was awarded the Japan Science Institute Environmental Science Award.
April 19, 2017
Professor Yoshihiro Suenaga of our center was awarded the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award.
April 06, 2017
Professor Kazuhiro Hara of our center was invited to the garden party held by the Emperor in honor of past achievements.
March 28, 2017
Professor Tsuneo Honjo, General Manager of our center was awarded the 2009 paper Award of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science Association.