hazard_information hazard_information

Where and how to get hazard information

The Kagawa prefectural government publishes hazard information on the web so that anyone can check it anytime, anywhere. It is called "Kagawa Disaster Prevention Web Portal" and is available in nine languages (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Spanish, and Portuguese), making it very easy to use.

To obtain hazard information, search the "Kagawa Disaster Prevention Web Portal" URL, and then follow the steps below to easily check the applicable hazard information.
①, ② Select “Language
③ Select "Hazard".
④ Select "Zoom in on hazard map".
⑤ Select the applicable "Hazard Information" from the layer list.


How to get hazard information

URL for obtaining hazard information
(Kagawa Disaster Prevention Web Portal)

Kagawa Prefecture has long been known as a place with little rainfall and few disasters. Recently, however, due to global warming, more rain than expected has been falling in a short time even here in Kagawa Prefecture, and the risk of disasters such as river flooding and landslides has been increasing. To protect our own life, we should check the hazards around us at least once.

Seismic intensity 6 upper

(Source) Japan Meteorological Agency

Incidentally, the magnitude of the tremor near Kagawa University's Saiwai-cho campus in the event of a Nankai Trough earthquake is "Seismic intensity 6 upper".

* This seismic intensity scale is used only in Japan.

This "seismic intensity 6 upper" means that
・It is impossible to move without crawling, or risk being blown away.
・Most of the unsecured furniture will be shaken and many objects will fall over.
・Many wooden buildings with low earthquake resistance will lean over or collapse.
・Large ground cracks, large landslides may occur, and mountains may collapse.

(Source): Japan Meteorological Agency, explanation of seismic intensity scale


Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture,seismic intensity 6 lower (source) Koriyama Fire Department